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Thoughts are energy. Thoughts create. How? By the judgment you give them. This is your perception. Your perception creates your "personal energy". Heres how a...
Are you feeling unmotivated and looking to get motivated? Start with your thoughts. Catch yourself when feeling lazy, tired, sad, depressed and see what triggered...
Happy Holiday Season Paddlers, As we move into December and the end of 2021, I thought this tool may serve us as we navigate the...
Power is the goal but it doesn't come before building strength or speed. Dragonboat training requires that we build the strength -- incorporate speed --...
OK, time to get honest about training. I get flooded with emails from paddlers who have fallen off the training wagon and are afraid they are...
So what is base paddling fitness? A base of dragonboat paddling fitness comes from having done a full cycle of land and water training over...
I have found that if I maintain some semblance of paddle fitness (sport specific exercises) over a periods of time I can usually be race...
So what to do when we have fallen off the training wagon? Although there's no magic pill, what works for me is a little mind...
If you are struggling to get back into training, try doing the 5 movement patterns I have shared. Five is numerologies number of change so...
When we have inner power, inner strength and inner alignment we easily and effortlessly transfer this to our sport. Period. As a coach I see...
Form. It dictates our ability to connect with the water in a positive and efficient way that translates to stroke power. Our form is the...
As athletes we become obsessed with getting stronger in the body to get faster. But have you ever considered what role a strong mind plays...
Leaning out of the boat in full rotation is how we land on the blade. This is a vital part of the dragonboat paddling technique...
Learn the firing pattern, or the chain of command in the body to execute the dragon boat stroke. In this video I share a dragonboat...
This is a drill you can use either on the boat or on land. This dragonboat drill trains the back extensors to be strong enough...
To develop the power in the dragonboat stroke requires we build the specific muscles related to the dragonboat technique. This drill is one I use...
Getting a great extension is what gives us more length in the stroke. As we aim to improve our dragonboat technique we have to consider...
Often times I see paddlers so focused on their catch they forget there are 2 other components left in the stroke! The setup to go to the...
If there's one fitness mistake I see that's extremely common amongst Dragon Boat Paddlers is they lack endurance fitness. Let's talk about how endurance training...
In this article I share the top 3 reasons why athletes don't reach goals. We all know the feeling of a new goal that gets...
Bench Coaching: paddlers coaching paddlers from their seat on the boat We've all had bench coaching and most of us have done bench coaching. So...
This is part 2 of my 3 part series focused on creating healthy cultures in the world of sport. In this article we will address...
There are 3 top reasons Dragon Boat paddlers participate in a dry land fitness program. They are: Become a strong paddler: build strength with progressive...
Getting low body engagement so we can utilize leg drive powers our catch. It's the big muscles we use at our catch that gives us...